About Us
Jai Para Medical SAHA (Ambala) was established in 2010 under affiliation by Paramedical council Punjab Mohali which is working under its own constitution & Bye Laws to assure & promote the quality in the Para Medical Courses. Jai Para Medical conducts the examinations, Diploma certificates & registrations awarded by Paramedical council Punjab Mohali to pass out candidates.
Thank you for your right choice selecting Jai Para Medical for professional courses in Para Medical and allied health sciences
India will require more than 2,50,000 medical lab. Technician / Multipurpose health worker i.e. Para Medical staff will be required in hospitals / PHCs / Nursing homes. However, there is a great shortage of skilled para-medical staff is essential to run such institutions.
This is where Jai Para medical , Saha-Sahabad Road, SAHA (Ambala) which is a self supporting and self financed institute and is not aided by any Government agency, will serve the health sector by providing trained para-medical manpower to run laboratories, X-Ray units, community health centre and nursing homes and will be of great help to the govt. in achieving its various health programmes like, “Blood Donation Camp” in bringing down the death rate to the minimum possible and raise the standard of living, physical and mental health.
It is a great occasion for the management of Jai Para Medical as a whole as a whole and for me in particular that by the grace of his sweet will & good wishes of all our well wishers, it will train a large number of boys and girls in the field of para medical education and I would like to assure you of such a number of boys and girls in the field of para medical education and involvement will provide a very healthy environment for learning and academic pursuits.
We seek the good wishes and co-operation of you all in this noble and humanitarian ventures.